... (?) steps backwards. Well, first the bad news. The passenger side rotor (brake) is saturated with fluid, it covers both sides and the caliper is covered too so I think it is coming from the caliper. The big problem with that is not so much the caliper but that the rear suspension has to be dropped to get to it and then one has to decide 'while we're there'.... Why is this an issue? because this would be the time to change the driveline U Joints, replace the seals on the differential and rebuild the rear brakes. The list goes on, it's a tough situation that I was hoping we could avoid but if we want this car to be reliable then were going to have to really think about it.
Today I worked on the reservoirs, and the reservoir heat shield. The asbestos shield was badly deteriorated and need to be replaced, the reservoir bottles were full of crap and need to be cleaned so this was a good time to replace the asbestos heat shield. Thanks go out to Jim H. for 'donating' a piece of Hardy Backer Board to replace the asbestos insulation.
Black crud in the bottom of the bottles |
Asbestos heat shield, flaky. |
Back side of heat shield, should be galvanized |
Hose joining the reservoir to the brake master cylinder, pointer showing the cracks in the hose. |
'New' heat shield |
Wet rotor (the thing with the rust colored rim), covered with some type of fluid, most likely from the caliper but could be from the differential.
Excellent design but difficult to service since the whole rear end has to come out to service it.
Showing how someone has 'hacked' the cage, will weld it up if we decide to move on with it. |
'Moisture' more apparent in this photo |
Do we keep going or wrap it up and allow your pocket book to catch it's breath?
Looking good, I vote keep going
It appears to be a good car. I'd keep going.