It's been awhile since I posted to the RJ blog primarily because I haven't done much to RJ over the winter, A combination of cold weather, waiting for tires and family issues has kept me from getting much done. The tires came in from Euro-tire day before yesterday and I took them down to Boise Tire Pro's to have them put them on. The old tires were from before the turn of the century and while they had good tread were well past their 'use by date' by at least 20 years. I picked up the tires yesterday and put them on RJ, afterwards I was going to do a test drive and before I had gone 5 blocks the amp meter was pegged on full charge.... Well I didn't smell any smoke so made a u turn and drove it back home to see what was going on. I also noticed a trail of oil into my garage and was a bit down when I texted RJ's Mom and told her about the issues.
Today was a much better day which I'm sure Michelle will be pleased to hear. I had a voltage regulator from my wife's Triumph Spitfire so I cleaned it up and put it on the car, checked the TDC marks on the damper with a 'nifty' tool I made, and fixed or at least reduced the flow of oil from the cam oil feed line.
Here's RJ up in the air awaiting his 'shoes'
This is the tool I made from an old spark plug to make sure that the timing marks on the damper were correct, with all the other stuff I've found from PO's I had to make sure.
Same regulator used on 1966 Triumph Spitwad
Site of major leak, combination of leaking cam covers and amazingly poor work on the back of the engine.
These are the 'banjo' bolts that hold the cam oil feed lines. They should have had a very thin crushable copper washer but someone had decide to use regular steel washers, very poor.
This is the cam feed line and shows another problem, someone has crimped the feed line! Fortunately not completely flat and I was able to work it open a bit more by gently working, tapping on one side then the other. I'll check with Michelle about replacing it with new washers.
Took the car out for a test drive after I did this work and was pleased, still needs more fettling and tuning but much improved, the amp meter worked as expected, the oil leak was less, although I haven't checked the driveway today. Progress, slow but steady Michelle.
9 hrs (Feb. 13th, 14th and 15th)